I’m Ashkan Kazemi, a research scientist at Meedan where we develop artificial intelligence tools to address information integrity challenges of a global internet. My research interests are in natural language processing, computational social science, and broadly AI and complexity science.

I completed my PhD at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor working with Rada Mihalcea and Verónica Pérez-Rosas at the Language and Information Technologies (LIT) and Michigan Artificial Intelligence labs in the department of Computer Science and Engineering. My PhD dissertation focused on Human-Centered Natural Language Processing for Countering Misinformation. For a full list of publications please visit my Google Scholar page.

Prior to grad school, I was a Technical Team Leader (among other technical roles) at TAPSI, a ride-sharing company in Iran where I worked on a broad range of applied research questions in the intersection of machine learning and computational economics, namely supply/demand prediction, surge pricing, taxi dispatch algorithms and time-series analysis. I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer/Software Engineering from University of Tehran.